The UU Climate Justice Revival, “Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era” is a project of the UU Climate Justice Coalition and Friends with financial support from Revival Sponsors. The Revival builds on decades of faithful and visionary UU climate and environmental leadership and is designed to encourage collaboration amongst congregational teams and break down silos. Together, we can move past systems and cultures of extraction to usher in a new era with love and justice at the center of our climate actions.
Click here for a leaflet explaining the Revival!
This Revival isn’t possible without the people and organizations that nurture its creation through the infusion of much-needed resources. Below is a list of congregations and UU organizations financially sponsoring the Revival. Sponsorships support the work of the Revival and ensure that all congregations can participate. Check this page consistently; just as the flora of the earth grow and thrive, so will this list!
Sponsors provide vital resources for making this two-day experience as transformative and inclusive as possible. Sponsorship dollars ensure that everyone can participate in this activity regardless of ability to pay.
Sponsors will be recognized on the UU Climate Justice Revival website and event materials, included on a map highlighting congregations participating in the event, and automatically secure a registration for their sponsoring congregation!
Sponsorship levels:
—Bee Balm: $500
—Milkweed: $1,000
—Aster: $1,500
*Note: Congregations can also donate an amount above $500, but not listed in the other two categories.
Institutional Sponsors
Unitarian Universalist Association
Side With Love
UU Service Committee
UU Ministry for Earth
UU College for Social Justice
UUs for Social Justice
UU the Vote
First Unitarian Society
of Milwaukee, WI
Foothills Unitarian Church
Longmont UU Presence
Melrose UU Church
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Maryland
River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church (Pasadena)
New York
The Community Church
of New York
All Souls Unitarian Church
New Hampshire
Keene UU Church
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax
Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor
Unitarian Church of Evanston
Bay Area UU Church
First UU Church of Houston
New Jersey
Beacon UU Congregation
in Summit
The UU Congregation
at Montclair
UU Climate Justice Revival Organizers
Planning for the UU Climate Justice Revival began in 2020 with steady infusions of creativity, relationship building, and collaboration amongst UUs deeply committed to transforming our congregations and communities through climate justice. Deep appreciation and gratitude for the work of the Revival Planning Team, including:
Amarin Young, UUA
Audra Friend, UUA
Betty Clark, UUA
Cathy Rion Starr, UUA
Rev. Dayna Edwards, Cedar Lane UU Congregation
Rev. Deanna Vandiver, UU College of Social Justice
Ivanna D'Alencon, UU Service Committee
Rev. JeKaren Olaoya, UU College of Social Justice
Rev. Kelly Dignan, UU Ministry for Earth
Rev. Megan Foley, UUA - Congregational Life
Mike Givens, UU Service Committee
Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd, River Road UU Congregation
Rev. Nicole Kirk, Meadville Lombard Seminary
Nora Rasman, UUA - UU the Vote
Rev. Omega Burckhardt, Neighborhood UU Church of Pasadena
Pablo DeJesús, UUs for Social Justice
Rev. Peggy Clarke, Community Church of New York
Rachel Myslivy, UUA - Create Climate Justice/Green Sanctuary 2030
Rev. Ranwa Hammamy, UUA - Side With Love
UU Climate Justice Coalition
The UU Climate Justice Coalition consists of UU organizations coordinating and collaborating to enact climate justice. Grounded in a faithful call as a community of practice, we share resources, build skills, and organize actions that advance a future with climate justice, collective liberation, and a world where all life flourishes. Current participating organizations include:
Coalition of UU State Action Networks
UU Animal Ministry
UU College of Social Justice
UU Women's Federation
UUA International Office
UUA Side with Love
UUs for a Just Economic Community
UU Ministry for Earth
UU Young Adults for Climate Justice Caucus
UU Service Committee
UUs for Social Justice