UU Climate Justice Revival Info Sessions
Are you excited for the first-ever UU Climate Justice Revival ...but...still have so many questions? Is it on zoom or in person? Can kids participate? Is it a regional or national event? When we do new and different things, questions are expected! Come to the UU Climate Justice Revival Info Session and get all your questions answered! Sign up by clicking the links below.
Previous Info Sessions
WATCH: Thursday, August 15 info session
WATCH: Tuesday, August 13 info session
WATCH: Monday, August 5 info session
Revival Run Through
UU Climate Justice Revival Facilitation Trainings
We’re offering training on how to effectively hold and facilitate the spaces we’ll build during the Revival! These one-hour sessions will give you the foundation you need to discuss some of the most pressing climate change issues of our time. You’ll hone your skills to build a confident, collegial, and collaborative community dedicated to addressing the climate crisis!
Wednesday, January 15, 4PT - 5MT - 6CT - 7 ET: Register now
Wednesday, February 26, 4PT - 5MT - 6CT - 7 ET: Register now
Previous Facilitator Trainings
Curriculum Training