UU congregations of all sizes. All ministry teams within the congregation—not just the justice teams.
Reserve the dates on your church calendar: September 28 and 29, 2024
Form teams of two to three people for each of the following:
—Religious education for children and youth
—Adult workshop facilitation
Review the packet of materials on August 1
Sign up for facilitation training in August and September.
Because this work is never done in isolation, we're asking congregations and communities to sign on as a team rather than as individuals. Contact your leaders, clergy, or committed advocates and ask what it would take to gather five or more do-ers together to help bring the Revival to your congregation. While programming and worship support is being provided for all registered congregations, we know that change happens at the grassroots. Work together with your leadership to find out who can plant those seeds of change in your community and sign up for a shared experience of learning, commitment, and growth.