You’re Invited!

Join the Climate Justice Revival Curriculum Team and/or write a sermon!

The UU Climate Justice Revival will be held September 28-29, 2024.  We hope your congregation will register soon and begin forming a team.

You are invited to join a Curriculum Team!

A 5-member Curriculum Design Team is being created for the UU Climate Justice Revival, Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era to create a four (4) hour curricula for the following age groups: 

  • Pre-K (3-5 years old);

  • Elementary school ages;

  • Middle school ages;

  • High school ages; and

  • Emerging adults (18-24 years old).

This programming will accompany and happen in parallel with the Saturday Sept. 28 adult workshops. The Curriculum Design Team will create a series of activities grounded in the established learning goals and in the collective structure of:

  • nourishing relationships;

  • making connections;

  • building capacity;

  • visioning the future; and

  • and charting a course! 

If you are interested in being invited to participate in this Design Team, please reach out by Friday, May 17, 2024 with your interest and skills by emailing Each team member will be responsible for the completion of curricular material for one of the age groups and paid an honorarium of $660 (based on $55/hour for 12 hours of work).

Enter Your Sermon to Revive and Reimagine Climate Justice!

You are also invited to submit a sermon to the Climate Justice Revival Sermon Contest.

Five winners will be selected, and each will receive $500. Imagine that it's 2050 and we've achieved all of our wildest hopes for collective liberation. What is present in that reimagined reality? What have our values led us to collectively abolish or move away from? How would our world transform if love was at the center of our climate actions and collective liberation as our North star? Holding this vision at the forefront of our efforts, all sermon submissions should intentionally address climate as an intersectional justice issue. Learn more here.  

We ask that sermons be 1,500-2,000 words. Winners will be asked to video record their sermon to be made available on our website for UU congregational use. Please submit your sermons by no later than Thursday,  August 1, 2024 in writing to the Climate Revival Planning team by emailing: Winners will be selected by Thursday, August 15, 2024.


Four Things You Might Not Know About the UU Climate Justice Revival