UU Climate Justice Revival
As climate change rocks our world, there is a spirit at work in the congregations and movements committed to justice.
As we make the connections between climate and justice, we are called to re-imagine what it means to do this urgent work in community.
How can our climate work be:
Less isolated, more connected;
Less anxious, more nourishing; and
Less limited; more visionary?
Participating Congregations
“The Revival is an opportunity to renew our Unitarian Universalist commitment to the planet. In the Washington, DC area, we are near policy makers who influence the environmental impact of the world's largest contributors to climate change. Our faith calls on us to act for love; and the revival is a way we can come together for a unified planet-loving purpose so we can make a difference for ourselves, our community, and even, perhaps, those policy makers.”
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi, Senior Minister, Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Bethesda, Maryland
Congregations will experience:
—A two-day facilitated event designed to develop skills to advance intersectional climate justice;
—Space to nourish relationships, build capacity, collectively envision our future, and chart a course for shared ministry and actions that advance climate justice while transforming congregations; and
—Deepened relationships within our congregations, holding complexity and crafting narratives that build a brighter future for all.
The UU Climate Justice Revival will take place in congregations and communities across the country. While each congregation’s revival will look a little different, everyone will engage in the same process with the same resources.
Day 1: Facilitated Conversations
Designed to nourish relationships, make connections, build capacity, vision the future, and chart a course of actions, these facilitated conversations will include creative engagements, music, relationship building activities, and congregational connections that will advance intersectional climate actions with justice at the center. Congregations will designate at least two people to facilitate the conversations; these facilitators will receive a toolkit, training, and support to host the activities.
Day 2: Worship and Advocacy
The UU Climate Justice Revival worship services will engage the whole congregation with the same spirit of intention as the dialogs. Congregations will receive worship materials, sample sermons, recordings and sheet music of the song commissioned to celebrate the revival. Following worship services, congregations will join a national advocacy hour.
The UU Climate Justice Revival Overview provides some more detail. The planning team is “preparing the soil” and “planting the seeds” so that congregations can “grow together”!
Through 2024 and early 2025, congregations are hosting UU Climate Justice Revivals to collectively reimagine a spirit-filled and liberatory future. Through conversations, worship, and advocacy, congregations will work together to realize climate justice and collective liberation in our communities.
Congregations will receive everything they need to host a revival in their communities, including discussion guides and materials for all ages, training, worship resources, and advocacy actions designed to transform our communities through climate justice.
Sign up to host a UU Climate Justice Revival in your congregation today!
Through worship, laughter, learning, reflection, lamentation, and joy, we can feed our spirits and move forward nourished and connected with love at the center of our climate actions. Together, we can move from a deadly era of extraction to a flourishing era of connection.
"Climate Justice is one of the most pressing issues of our time—and we know that. However, all too often, I find myself ready to throw up my hands in overwhelm of what feels like immovable obstacles of government inaction, public apathy, and odds stacked against those who have dedicated their lives to this work.
“That's why this Climate Revival is critical, and now is the time. What bolsters me is our shared faith, which holds us in values of justice and equity that equip us to move forward. What gives me hope is the innovation, creativity, and ingenuity that is, and has been, emerging all around us. What gives me strength is the power that we amass when we come together to build a new way.”
Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon
Associate Minister
River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Registered congregations will receive a packet with all the materials needed to lead the Saturday workshops and the Sunday worship. Your team can receive facilitation training available at pre-scheduled times so they are equipped to lead the program. This format allows every congregation to meet in person and feel the power of community. Of course, it is possible for several congregations to join together to share space and facilitation. Our team is ready to support you!
Congregations will come together to:
Collectively envision a future for the world we want to create together;
Build capacity and skills to work together;
Nourish relationships and cultivate connections; and
Elevate ideas and prioritize actions that advance justice in our communities.